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There are a lot of people really interested in flipping homes again.  I see it happening more and more these days.  A lot of people got out of the business a few years back when things turned bad.  Now they're back and pushing pices up.  That's good in a way I guess.  But it makes it more difficult for me to find good deals on the front end.


Buying a house, fixing it, and selling it for a profit is more diffiuclt than you would think.  Just finding the property is a pain.  I talked to a guy at McDonald's just the other day who oversimplified it in a typical manner.  He thought that all you do is print up a list of homes for sale in Plymouth and then go look at them, put an offer in, get a loan, get some contractors to do the work, then call a Realtor and sell it.


What a joke.  It's usually much, much more difficult than that, and much more involved too. [Read more]

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